WEBINAR C Proceedings. European Industrial Energy Efficiency Good Practices Platform – EIEEP Platform

The 3rd Webinar of the EUMERCI project has been organized on Thursday 14 December and focused on the dissemination of methods and tools aiming to increase energy saving in EU industry.

The valorized results of the 2 year research conducted during the project’s implementation are now presented in the final Webinar C, gathered to the EIEEP platform, a comprehensive database of “Good” and “Best” Practices in the field of energy efficiency in the industrial sector, collected throughout Europe. The selection process of the chosen practices and the way to use the platform will be explained. Furthermore, scenarios concerning the energy efficiency in the industry sector, as resulted from the project’s deepening on the field are described.

This dissemination activity gathers all the respective tools which are aiming the support the growth of the energy efficiency in the industry processes, according to the targets of the “Energy Efficiency” Directive (2012/27/EU-EED).

Download the proceedings and see the registration

Introduction – Efi Mavrou, CRES
The EU-MERCI project: results and outcomes so far – Simone Maggiore, RSE
The EIEEP platform – European Industrial Energy Efficiency Good Practices Platform – FIRE, Livio De Chicchis & RSE, Anna Realini
Scenarios of Energy Efficiency in the industry sectorKAPE
15:15- 15:45 Feedback from the presentation of EIEEP in the Followers countries: