EIEEP – European Industrial Energy Efficiency good Practices platform

The new section of the website is a useful tool for looking for investment opportunities Rome, September 2017 – Foster the spread of "Good Practices" among businesses, with positive effects in terms of competitiveness, environment and social fallouts. These are the benefits that EU-MERCI promotes among the stakeholders in the industrial sector with the launch of EIEEP – the Eu...
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European Industrial Energy Efficiency good Practices platform

EIEEP - European Industrial Energy Efficiency good Practices platform is the platform dedicated to energy efficiency “Good Practices” in the main industrial sectors launched bt the consortium EU-MERCI and containig the most comprehensive best practice and good practice database in Europe! Here you can find also a Document Library, with the schematics of the processes and the r...
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Barriers and costs from EEOSs and alternative measures from a market perspective

This report highlights the barriers and costs that industrial European companies face while implementing energy efficiency measures to achieve the targets of the European Directive on Energy Efficiency (EED), especially with respect to the targets and policies of Article 7. The report is based on a bottom up study, which takes a market perspective to identify both barriers and...
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EU-MERCI open conference: good practice, key measures and role of ESCOs the focus of debate

Rome, February 2017 – The key points of the Open Conference: Good Practices of Energy Efficiency in the European industry processes, which was held in Rome in late February, were: industry’s needs and policies, good practices and technological transfer. In EU the 26% of final energy uses comes from the Industrial sector. That’s why the drivers of EU-MERCI project are: rational...
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Proceedings of the Conference: Good Practices of Energy Efficiency in the European industry

Policies of incentivisation and implementation Rome - February, 23rd 2017 The first section was dedicated to the presentation of the preliminary results of EU-MERCI by partners of the project. Vlasis Oikonomou, from JIN, provided  a picture of the energy efficiency policies and schemes at the EU28 level, highlighting the differences and the lack of co...
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