JIN Climate and Sustainability

JIN Climate and Sustainability is a knowledge centre focusing on climate change policy issues, established in 1995 as the ‘Joint Implementation Network, and based in Groningen (the Netherlands). With an initial main focus on emissions trading, JIN now also works on the areas of sustainable development, bio-based energy, and energy efficiency. JIN works on a range of EU-funded projects, and is a regular advisor to UNDP, UNEP, and the UNFCCC secretariat. In the field of energy efficiency, JIN coordinates the ENSPOL project on Article 7 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, and the PUBLENEF project assisting EU member states in effective energy efficiency policy implementation. In the EU-MERCI project, JIN’s main focus is on the comparative analysis of the implementation of energy efficiency obligation schemes and alternative measures.


Referent: Vlasis Oikonomou, vlasis@jin.ngo