WEBINAR A Proceedings: energy efficiency policies and schemes for Industry

Download the presentations and follow the registration on our Youtube channel! Energy efficiency has been a critical target within the EU, as is proven with the Directive "Energy Efficiency" (2012/27/EU-EED). Under Art.7, the Member States (MS) are obliged to introduce mandatory Energy Emission Obligation Schemes in order to achieve fixed energy savings. However, there are di...
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EU-MERCI: first results from the project dedicated to the good practices for energy efficiency in the industrial field

Rome, January 2017 - The first report realized within the EU-MERCI project – "Comparative report on technical specificities of EEOSs and alternative measures for the EED implementation" - is available on the website www.eumerci.eu. It is a comparative report regarding the EEOSs (Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes) technical specifications (e.g. the white certificates in Ital...
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Comparative report of industry-relevant energy efficiency policies in Europe

The "Comparative report on technical specificities of EEOSs and alternative measures for the EED implementation" has been published. The report provides an overview of the most important energy efficiency policies (relevant to the industrial sector) that have been implemented in the framework of Article 7 of the EU's Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), in the 28 EU Member State...
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EU-MERCI benefits from the supervision of the Advisory Board, i.e. a group of stakeholders representing the project targeted communities, namely industry representatives and policy influential organizations. The Board meets twice per year, one time in web-connection and one time in person, as invited to the general meetings of EU-MERCI (next meeting will be in Rome, tentativel...
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The Austrian Energy Agency is the national centre of excellence for energy. New technologies, renewable energy, and energy efficiency are the focal points of our scientific activities. The objectives of our work for the public and the private sector are the sustainable production and use of energy and energy supply security. We are an independent think tank that manages knowled...
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Press release about EU-MERCI website launch

European Project EU-MERCI: website launched to collect and disseminate best practices on energy efficiency Rome, June 2016 – The website www.eumerci.eu – which illustrates the EU-MERCI project vision and aims, the managing consortium, the planned activities and events, and the opportunities to contribute to the project development – is online. The EU-MERCI project is fun...
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ApE Agencija za prestrukturiranje energetika d.o.o.

ApE Agencija za prestrukturiranje energetika d.o.o. (Energy Restructuring Agency) was established in 1991 as an independent private consultancy company with the support of the Ministry of Energy. Our main services are analysis, consulting, feasibility studies, implementation and dissemination of information and best practices. ApE was involved as Slovenian partner on more than ...
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The BSERC, Black Sea Energy Research Centre, is an independent association of energy experts working on research in and promotion of sustainable energy. It is a Non-profit Organization for Public Interest, registered under Bulgarian law in Sofia in 2007, as a successor of the Black Sea Regional Energy Centre (www.bsrec.bg). BSERC activities cover many fields: security of energ...
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The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) is the Greek national entity for the promotion of renewable energy sources, rational use of energy and energy conservation. In the modern demanding energy sector CRES is dynamically active, in the frame of the national and Community policy and legislation, for the protection of the environment and sustainable development...
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