EU-MERCI benefits from the supervision of the Advisory Board, i.e. a group of stakeholders representing the project targeted communities, namely industry representatives and policy influential organizations.
The Board meets twice per year, one time in web-connection and one time in person, as invited to the general meetings of EU-MERCI (next meeting will be in Rome, tentatively in January 2017).
Its mission is to orient the project activities, such as to ensure that they address the general interests of the stakeholders and produce concrete results and useful tools.
With such intent, the Advisors are informed in advance of the progress of the project and of its deliverables and outputs, and may interact with EU-MERCI providing advises and suggestions at any time.
Advisor |
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Paolo Landi |
FCS – Fondazione Consumo Sostenibile | ![]() |
Paolo Landi founded Adiconsum in 1987, and was General Secretary of the association until June 2011. He has been vice president of the European Consumers Committee and a member of the EU Committee on the introduction of the euro. Until June 2011 he was also a member of the Council and of the Executive Committee of the CISL Italian trade union. He participated to the working group of the Italian Ministry of Labour on the social responsibility and to the panel of C.S.R. for the selection of best practices. Currently he is a member of the EU working group on energy, is a member of the Council of ANEC (on standardization), and President of the Commission Values and Rules in Northeast Cooperatives. |
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Cristiana Popa |
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Cristiana Popa – employee of ICPE ACTEL SA, company founded in 1992, with an experience of over 60 years in power electronics, offering standard and customised electrical solutions for the adjustment and control of the industrial processes. Member of APREL – Romanian Ownership Association in Electrotehnique Industries since 1997, the founding year.Graduated in 2007 Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies – Faculty of International Business and Economics and in 2009 became Master in Economics and Economic Communication in Business – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies – Faculty of Economics. Participated in research contract as a scientific researcher collaborator. Currently involved in marketing activities and foreign relations for both ICPE ACTEL and APREL. |
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Tsvetomira Kulevska |
Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEDA) | ![]() |
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Tsvetomira Kulevska, Chief Expert “National Plans and reports on EE and RES” in SEDA, Diploma Engineer.High level of expertise in the analysis of energy consumption and implemented energy efficiency policy measures, evaluation of improvements of energy efficiency and achieved energy savings. Provides methodological assistance in the implementation of obligations under the Energy Efficiency Act of the obligated parties – energy traders, Industrial system’s owners, public and local authorities. Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme under Art. 7 EED in Bulgaria. Participates in the preparation of the annual reports on the implementation of National Energy Efficiency Action Plan according to Directive 2012/27/EC. Contact point for Concerted Action for the Energy Efficiency Directive (CA EED) project funded by IEE Program |
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Nicolae Olariu |
SUNE – Romanian Renewable Industry Association | ![]() |
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Prof. Nicolae Olariu – President of SUNE. He founded, in 2008, SUNE (Romanian industrial association in the field of Renewables and Energy Efficiency) and was elected as President of the association. Professor at the Valahia University Targoviste, director and founder in 1993, of the Energy-Environment Research Department from UVT. Involved in the RES and EE research, since 1979. Member of the scientific committees at national and international conferences, member of the EU PV Technological Platform, in the IEC Technical Committees on standardization in the field of RES and EE. Is co-author of the national strategy and roadmap for workforce qualification required on EE and RES used in buildings, to fulfil the 2020 targets (ROBUST program). He is member entitled to vote in the Monitoring Committee of the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2017. |
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Črtomir Kurnik |
LEAG – Local Energy Agency of Gorenjska | ![]() |
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Črtomir Kurnik – LEAG Project partner. Mr. Kurnik is a European Energy Manager and certified Accountant responsible for the economy, promotional activities, reports and coordination of LEAG projects. He has gained experiences in the commercial sector on cost-cutting projects, analytical work, calculations and negotiations. Since 2009 he is working at LEAG where he is responsible for preparation of applications on different European programmes, coordination of EU projects and preparations of final reports. As an energy manager he is coordinating progress of implementing SEAP in two of Slovenian municipalities and representing LEAG at international conferences. Currently he is representing LEAG, with role of EU project partner, as a coordinator in one of EU projects and as a financial manager in three. |
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Rajko Leban |
GOLEA – Goriska Local Energy Agency Slovenia |
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Rajko Leban – Managing Director of GOLEA, In 1988 he graduated in the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He has professional examination for Responsible Mechanical Engineer Slovenian Chamber of Engineers. He awarded qualification European Energy Manager. Between 1988 and 2010 he worked in companies: Gostol, Iskra Avtoelektrika and Eko les eneregtika. As procurator in the Eko les energetika was responsible for development and sales in the field of renewable energy sources, mainly wood biomass boilers. Since 2010 he is director of GOLEA, appointed member of standing committee for energy by the GECT Assembly (Gruppo Europeo di Cooperazione Territoriale dei Comuni di Gorizia, Nova Gorica e Sempeter – Vrtojba). He participated in many international projects in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. He has worked on the EPC – Energy Performance Contracting and where he participated in the preparation of the Guidelines of energy contracting in Slovenia. |
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Konstantin Delisivkov | Bulgarian Federation of the Industrial Energy Consumers BFIEC – Bulgaria | ![]() |
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Konstantin Delisivkov, Executive director and member BoM, Bulgarian Federation of the Industrial Energy Consumers BFIEC. Konstantin Delisivkov is Executive Director and Board Member of the Bulgarian Federation of the Industrial Energy Consumers (BFIEC). He is chair of the Energy Committee at CEIB (Confederation of Employers and Industrialist in Bulgaria) and member of the management board of the Bulgarian Association for Management and Maintenance of Assets and Facilities. In 2014 he received the prestigious award in economics “Dr. Ilko Eskenazi – Bulgaria and the European Union”, awarded by the international foundation “St. St. Cyril and Methodius”. Since 2012, Mr. Delisivkov is member of IFIEC Europe working parties “Electricity” and “Climate & Efficiency”. He participated in many international projects in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. He has worked on the EPC – Energy Performance Contracting and where he participated in the preparation of the Guidelines of energy contracting in Slovenia. |
The EU-MERCI Advisory Board is open to the participation of further advisors, who may give their adhesion by sending a letter of interest to the coordinator at
The advisor candidates will be asked to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement declaration.